It almost goes without saying that your first visit to Wrigley Field in a skybox will be a memorable one. The sense of prestige as you are granted access to the upper hallway. The heated accommodations on a cold night. The seemingly endless supply of food. The kind attentiveness of the staff as they take care of you, very much unlike most other ballpark experiences.
But no one really expects that you'll see a cat being herded across the field by a member of security.
It was almost a little disappointing because the cat, in a very un-cat-like way, promptly marched across the outfield and was escorted from the playing field. I was really hoping for a chase more akin to a drunken fan streaking and dodging security. Luckily the Cubs provided enough excitement to last the evening.
I couldn't have asked for a better night. The rain gave way to just a cold April evening that start with being able to go on the field and take some pictures and ended with a Cubs win. All in all, not a bad way to spend a Tuesday night.
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