
Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Two sleepless nights later...

Sometimes it seems that I have a compulsion to do things the hard way. The other night I began considering how I could integrate content onto my MythTV. I think I have come up with a workable method using Firefox as the assistant, but it required me to upgrade my system to the latest MythTV version (more on this later). I had been holding off on this because they had made a recent transition to QT4 which can be a big change on Linux systems. My master backend upgraded with virtually no issues so I moved onto the frontend attached to the TV.

This is where the bottom fell out. My backend had been upgraded recently to Fedora Core 6 and my frontend was still left at Fedora Core 4. I am always loathe to touch this machine because it is a sensitive small form factor PC that I had finally gotten working. But, no matter, I installed the QT4 packages and began to compile Myth only to find that the QT4 version for FC4 was 4.1 and I needed 4.3. Well, I thought, no problem, I'll just compile QT4 myself.

Now, at this point, I should have said: "I should just install FC6 from DVD and be done with it" but no, I was knee deep in packages and source code and felt compelled, despite the late hour, to conquer this.

After a long compilation, I compiled MythTV and found it simply crashed. Great. Again, I should have reached for the DVD but instead I thought, nah, I'll just do an in place, over the network YUM upgrade. No problem.

Another late night later and here we are today, having used the DVD, now updating and patching to get the system current. So I'm right where I could have been 2 nights ago only with far less sleep but a new appreciation for KISS.

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