Three business days after my negatives arrived, I received notice that the images were available for review. The review process was straightforward. I was presented with a page showing the 24 pictures I had submitted. Each could be reviewed using a magnifying glass feature and then, if desired, rejected from the final order. I removed 5 images from the set that were not relevant to the pictures that I wanted to keep and went ahead and placed the order. Digmypics will refund up to 10% of the price for pictures removed this way. After the credit was applied and the order paid, I was also given the option to upload my pictures to Picassa which I did. The upload finished in less time than it's taken me to write this post. Here is an example of one of the images scanned:

I am very pleased with the quality of the scan given what I can see from this JPG conversion. The raw TIFF file should give even more detail and be great to make digital prints from. I'll post some additional updates after I receive the full resolution TIFF files and have a chance to look at them in detail.